Terms and Conditions

Explaining the license

SPIP is a free software distributed under the GPL license. This license guarantees the following freedoms:

-  the freedom to install and use SPIP for any usage whatsoever;
-  the freedom to look into SPIP’s code and adapt it to your own needs by modifying the source code, to which you have direct access since SPIP is entirely developed in PHP;
-  the freedom to distribute copies of the software to anyone, provided you do not modify or delete the license;
-  the freedom to enhance SPIP and to distribute your enhancements among the public so that the entire community may benefit from it, provided you do not modify or delete the license.

You should not confuse the concepts of free software and public domain software. One of the advantages of the GPL license is to guarantee the non-confiscation of the software, as opposed to public domain software that could turn into proprietary software. You benefit from the freedoms described above provided that you abide by the GPL license; in particular, if you distribute or modify SPIP, you can not do so under a license that contradicts the GPL license (such as a license forbidding others to modify the source code or to distribute the modified source code).

Practical notes

As SPIP is provided and distributed free of charge by its authors, the latter offer no guarantee whatsoever as to the use you will make of it.

You can use SPIP for any purpose (including personal, professional or commercial). You are free to determine the remuneration for your services should the opportunity arise, and to add, in contract form, to your service offerings a sort of warranty for the services provided. But, we reiterate to highlight the significance of this restraint, your contract must not interfere with the GPL license attached to SPIP (for instance, you can not interfere with your client’s right to modify the software).

The text of the GPL licence is provided with SPIP; you can access it from the bottom of every page in the private area.

SPIP, Système de Publication pour l’Internet

Copyright © with tenderness since 2001
Arnaud Martin, Antoine Pitrou, Philippe Rivière, Emmanuel Saint-James

This programme is free software distributed under the GNU/GPL licence.
For more details, see the COPYING.txt file or the online help.

Author George Published : Updated : 17/07/24

Translations : عربي, català, corsu, Kréol réyoné, Deutsch, English, Esperanto, Español, فارسى, français, italiano, Nederlands, òc lengadocian, polski, Português, Português, Türkçe