You can either use it inside a SITES
loop (the outer loop lists the referenced sites, and the inner loop lists each article for those sites), or simply inside a section (this recovers directly all the syndicated articles in a section, bypassing the list of the sites).
<BOUCLEn(SYNDIC_ARTICLES){criterion... }>
loop (or theSYNDICATION
loop) not only displays syndicated sites alone but also displays all referenced sites (the syndication of referenced sites being an option). You could, for example, obtain a more graphical display, by using aSYNDIC_ARTICLES
loop inside a SITES loop using the criterion{syndication=oui}
Selection Criteria
You can use one or other of the following criteria to indicate which articles are selected.
- {tout}
, for all syndicated articles.
- {id_syndic_article}
returns the syndicated article identified by id_syndic_article
. (In practice, it is of little interest to create a page for a syndicated article, normally you would link directly to the article in question.)
- {id_syndic}
returns a list of the articles for the syndicated site identified by id_syndic
- {id_rubrique}
returns a list of the syndicated articles in this section.
- {id_secteur}
returns a list of the syndicated articles in this sector.
Display Criteria
You can use any of the criteria applicable to all loops.
Tags of this loop
- Tags drawn from the database
The following tags correspond to the elements directly drawn from the database. You can generally use them as sorting criteria too (for example {par titre}
to sort by title).
displays the unique identifier of the syndicated article.
displays the unique identifier of the syndicated site containing the article.
displays the title of the article.
Note: It is preferable here to use the raw title of the syndicated article - by using square brackets notation [(#TITRE*)]
- in order to bypass the typographical engine. Indeed, titles are supposed to be "typographically correct" in the back-end files and passing them through the typographical engine may affect the title, especially for English titles or those including expressions such as "The ~/.tcshrc files".
displays the address (URL) of the syndicated article on its original site.
displays the publication date of this article.
displays the authors of the syndicated article.
displays the description of the syndicated article.
displays the name of the syndicated site containing this article.
displays the URL address of the site containing this article.
displays the tags of the syndicated article, see Content Syndication
contain respectively the name and the url of the real source of the article, which can be different from #NOM_SITE
(for example when the syndicated site is a content aggregator). These 2 fields are not always filled in.
returns the entire part of the RSS feed related to the current article.
returns the raw item, in text format, as read from the flow -
returns the item in structured table format, if it could be decoded in this form -