Two simple iterators : lists and enumerations

Among the numerous powerful iterators that come with SPIP 3, two stand out for their simplicity : lists and enumerations.

  • New in : SPIP 3.0

List Iterator

The list iterator allows you to browse through the items in a list. Items can be words, figures or tiny bits of text. It’s called by DATA loop’s liste criterion to which the list of elements to be browsed is passed:

This loop displays a list of the first prime numbers:

   <BOUCLE_prime_num(DATA){liste 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13}>

It possible to use all criteria that apply to all loops.

Specify separator:

<BOUCLE_months(DATA){liste january, february, march, april}{" ; "}>
      #VALEUR ([(#VALEUR|couper{3})])

will return: january (jan) ; february (feb) ; march (mar) ; april (apr)

Reverse the reading loop order:

<BOUCLE_months(DATA){liste 1, 10, 100, 1000}{", "}{inverse #ENV{reverse}}>

will return: "1, 10, 100, 100, 1000" or "1000, 100, 10, 1" depending on the ’reverse’ value in the environment.

Loop only on a list’s sub-dataset:

<BOUCLE_months(DATA){liste january, february, march, april, may, june, july}{", "}{3,2}>

will jump 3 months forward and return only 2: "april, may"

Values for markers can be calculated:

<BOUCLE_colors(DATA){liste #GET{mostlikedcolor}, #ENV{chosencolor}}{", "}>

Enumeration iterator

Enumeration iterator is a really simple loop.
It’s most generic use is as follows

<BOUCLE_enumerate(DATA){enum val1, val2}>


<BOUCLE_enumerate(DATA){enum val1, val2, interval}>

val1 and val2 are two numeric values or 2 characters. SPIP determining which of the 2 values, is the smallest, this loop is going to enumerate values between val1 and val2. In the first variant, no interval is set : it is 1 by default.

Integers in increments of 1:

<BOUCLE_enum(DATA){enum 10,15}{", "}>#VALEUR</BOUCLE_enum>

is looping on values, starting at 10, breaking on 15, thus returning "10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15".

Decimals in increments of 1:

<BOUCLE_enum(DATA){enum 15.5,10.3}{", "}>#VALEUR</BOUCLE_enum>

is looping on values, starting 15, breaking on 10, thus returning "15.5, 14.5, 13.5, 12.5, 11.5, 10.5".

Integers in increments of 2:

<BOUCLE_enum(DATA){enum 10, 15, 2}{", "}>#VALEUR</BOUCLE_enum>

is looping on values from 10 to 15, with an interval of 2, thus returning "10, 12, 14".


<BOUCLE_enum(DATA){enum g,m}{", "}>#VALEUR</BOUCLE_enum>

is looping on letters from "g" to "m", thus returning "g, h, i, j, k, l, m".

Author jack, Loiseau2nuit Published : Updated : 21/03/23

Translations : English, français, Nederlands, Português