Anchor links are invisible markers that can be placed in a text. They allow direct access to a specific area in a page, which can be useful to refer users to a paragraph in a very long page.
Step 1: create the anchor link
Here is the SPIP shortcut to place an anchor link
That is:
- The anchor link must be unique. You can’t have multiple anchor links named "menu" on the same page.
- The anchor link must not contain space and if possible avoid accents and special characters.
For example on this paragraph "step 1", you can use this code:
{{{Step 1: create the anchor link}}}
Step 2: create a link towards this anchor link
Here is the SPIP shortcut to link to an anchor link in a page.
The # character is a reserved character that means anchor link.
It is automatically added to the address when the anchor link is clicked.

Here are some examples
Crate the link towards this anchor link
[Hypertext link title ->#anchor_link_name]
[Reviewing step 1->#step-1]
Which gives: Reviewing step 1
Create link to anchor link to another SPIP item
[Hyperlink title->spip_article_number#anchor_link_name]
[View Mathematical Filters->2465#Mathematical-filters]
Which gives: View Mathematical Filters