The #SLOGAN_SITE_SPIP tag displays the slogan (also called baseline) of the site.

  • New in : SPIP 3.0


This tag is usually used outside any loop.

So in /squelettes-dist/inclure/header.html it is called as:

<div class="clearfix header">
	<h1 class="spip_logo_site">[(#LOGO_SITE_SPIP|image_reduire{224,96})]#NOM_SITE_SPIP</h1>
	[<p id="slogan">(#SLOGAN_SITE_SPIP)</p>

Define site slogan

The slogan of the site is to be defined in Configuration -> Site Identity.

See about this Modifying the name of "My SPIP site"

Author jack Published : Updated : 14/07/23

Translations : English, français, Nederlands