Producing the static file resulting from the evaluation of a CSS or Javascript file template
  • New in : SPIP 3.0

The #PRODUIRE tag produces a static file from a dynamic CSS (.css.html) or javascript (.js.html) template. As of SPIP 4, files generating SVG (.svg.html), XML (.xml.html) and JSON (.json.html) are also supported.

#PRODUIRE returns the name of this static file, allowing Apache to serve it directly, without going through spip.php on every hit.

The syntax of the #PRODUIRE tag is the same as that of #INCLURE but produces the result in a static file whose name it returns.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="#PRODUIRE{fond=css/macss.css,couleur=ffffff}" />

The file format is indicated by the file penultimate extension: .css.html or .js.html. Otherwise, it is html.

You can force the format of the file with an additional argument format=css or format=js passed as an argument.

Note: the result of #PRODUIRE includes the timestamp of the template file received as an argument.

Author jack Published : Updated : 23/07/23

Translations : English, français, Nederlands